Here's Why Your Face Gets Red After Working Out—and How to Prevent It

Plus find out when your flushing face needs to be treated by a dermatologist.

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There's nothing quite like the feeling of being all hot and sweaty after you just dominated a HIIT workout, and the cherry on top is supposed to be that coveted post-workout glow. But for some people, their reward is a brilliantly beet-red complexion, which can make a person feel self-conscious after hitting the gym.

To make sure you never have to say no to your favorite spin class or running trail, we decided to get to the bottom of post-workout scarlet skin by asking dermatologists if there's a reason for alarm or a way to tamp down the redness. Keep reading to find out exactly why your face turns red when you work out and exactly what you need to do to manage your post-exertion redness.

Causes of Post-Workout Redness

Vascular changes cause flushing

The good news: Experiencing a red face after a workout is usually a totally normal response to physical activity. As we heat up, everyone knows we sweat to cool down, but our bodies also experience vascular changes and increased blood flow, which can manifest as flushing or a red face. "The flushing that occurs post-workout is due to the vasodilation of superficial blood vessels in facial skin," says Blair Murphy, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City.

People prone to flushing may have more superficial capillaries

Essentially, this cutaneous flushing occurs in some people after exercising because they have more superficial capillaries. Your blood is being pumped through faster to maximize oxygen intake, so the capillaries widen to allow more oxygen to pass through to the active muscles while also pushing heat to the surface to prevent overheating. Fitness level may also be a factor and increased blood flow during exercise can lead to the release of different substances from skin cells in different people. For some, the cells in the skin may release prostaglandins, which can contribute to redness. And some people's skin may release histamines, which can contribute to flushing.

Flushing may be more noticeable in fair skin tones

"We all flush when we workout, but it's more evident in those with fair complexions as the skin pigment in darker skin tones can sometimes mask more mild flushing," says Arash Akhavan, MD, FAAD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City. That being said, he adds that some people also "genetically have a more robust network of tiny blood vessels feeding their capillaries, making the redness more pronounced."

How to Prevent Facial Flushing

Opt for lightweight clothing

While the redness you experience during exercise cannot be completely circumvented, you can take measures to try and reduce the redness. For starters, try exercising in a cool environment and wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing.

Avoid alcohol and excessive sun exposure

If you already experience increased flushing, the last thing you should do is drink alcohol before exercising. "Alcohol consumption dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow and the redness of the face," says Corey L. Hartman, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Skin Wellness Dermatology. Excessive sun exposure can also cause inflammation and make the capillaries look more pronounced due to dilated superficial capillaries found in sun damaged skin.

Stay away from potentially irritating skincare

People who flush excessively and are prone to rosacea should also avoid using irritating ingredients on their skin that would further inflammation, such as alcohol-based products, creams with high acidic content, or harsh retinoids. "Instead, use products with anti-inflammatory ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and niacinamide, like Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream ($20, or creams such as CeraVe PM ($19,," shares Dr. Akhavan. Vitamin C is especially crucial because it's an antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress on the skin and provides an extra layer of protection against UVA and UVB rays (sunlight can exacerbate the redness).

How to Treat a Red Face

Seek out professional laser treatments

While there is no true prevention method or cure for flushing, it can be managed by decreasing symptoms and preventing flare-ups through laser treatments. "Pulsed dye laser treatment can destroy the superficial cutaneous blood vessels, which significantly reduces the redness experienced post-workout," says Dr. Murphy.

Apply cooling mists post-workout

If you're more committed to keeping your skincare routine simple, try this quick fix before seeking laser therapy. Before heading to a workout pack a cool water bottle to sip on during class to keep your core temperature lower and bring anti-inflammatory skincare products like cooling mists, says Shuting Hu, PhD, a cosmetic chemist and founder of Acaderma. Spritzing your face during and after your workout will reduce the redness and work to restore the skin to a balanced state after physical activity.

Pair a cool washcloth with a gel moisturizer

You can also apply a cold, damp washcloth to your face after exercising to alleviate tightness around the skin. Follow this up with a gel moisturizer that will help cool your complexion and soothe inflammation. If your facial redness really won't budge, you can also add a dab of hydrocortisone cream to treat the inflammation; just be cautious with how much you apply since it is a topical steroid, and don't use it for a prolonged period of time without contacting your doctor.

Try a prescription topical option

Prescription topical creams or gels like Rhofade and Mirvaso may reduce redness in some people. And for those who have extreme flushing due to the release of histamine, oral anti-histamines may be helpful. Talk to your doctor about these options if you are not finding relief with at-home treatment options.

When to See a Doctor

There is temporary facial redness and then there is a condition known as rosacea. Exercise causes flushing that goes away after a while—however, the difference is that rosacea won't subside. According to Dr. Hartman, it's rosacea "if you stay flushed on the cheeks, chins, nose, and forehead for prolonged periods without any stimulus for flushing."

Since rosacea is a chronic flushing disorder, along with redness, you'll notice "small broken capillaries on your cheeks and nose or pimples similar to acne, except they're without the blackheads or whiteheads we commonly see," he notes.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's essential to consult a dermatologist because rosacea is highly treatable. It's also important to note that exercise can be a trigger for rosacea sufferers, meaning that an intense workout can cause a rosacea flare-up in otherwise controlled skin.

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