Get Your Top Tax Questions Answered in Money Confidential's New 'Taxes in Ten' Podcast Series

Tune in for six quick episodes to help you ace your tax returns this year.

Abstract multicolored circular chart with dollar bill at the center
Photo: Olivia Barr/Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

Are you ready for tax season? Whether you have a basic tax situation or you're dealing with a lot of complexity (i.e., kids, tuition payments, a new side hustle that's earning extra income), you probably have a lot of questions about your taxes—and how to make sure you aren't paying a penny more than your fair share.

For Money Confidential's "Taxes in Ten" series, host Stefanie O'Connell Rodriguez tapped two top financial experts—Caleb Silver, editor-in-chief of Investopedia, and Kristin Myers, editor-in-chief of The Balance—to give us the inside scoop on everything from what to do about the child tax credit to how to manage big life changes like marriages, divorces, buying a new house, and more when you're filing your taxes.

In six 10-minute episodes (or about an hour), you'll get a download of all the information you'll need to go into tax season more confident than ever. You can catch Money Confidential's "Taxes in Ten"—and all of the podcast's first season of smart financial advice—on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Player FM, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Here's a rundown of what we're discussing in each episode—and when you can catch it:

Episode 1: February 21

Get to know what each tax form means and does—from W2s to 1099s—plus when you need to file, how to claim deductions, and other key details.

Episode 2: February 28

Learn about how stimulus and child tax credits may impact your taxes—plus all the other big changes for your 2021 taxes.

Episode 3: March 7

If you're doing your taxes yourself, learn how to access free tax help, what to know about online tax preparation—and how to DIY it when you have some independent contractor work.

Episode 4: March 14

Have you had big changes in your life over the past year? This episode covers how marriage, buying a new house, having a baby, or going back to school (or sending your kids to college) could impact your taxes.

Episode 5: March 21

This episode covers some of the other potential issues that could have a big impact on your taxes—whether it's losses from a natural disaster, gaining a large inheritance, getting divorced, or retiring.

Episode 6: March 28

Investing is a great way to build wealth—but how do you reconcile that when it's tax time? Get tax advice to make the most of your investments.

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